Hemnet in collaboration with Stockholms Stadsmission

In August, Hemnet started a new collaboration with Stockholms Stadsmission - a non-profit charity organization. As a partner, Hemnet will specifically support their business "Bobyrån" which helps people in social vulnerability to obtain a more permanent housing solution.
Stockholms Stadsmission's Bobyrån works with the "Housing First". The target group is people who live in homelessness, have a psychosocial problem and in some kind of support needs. The principle is that one must prove their ability to own a home, without having to go through many steps along the way, for example, housing assistance.
"The housing shortage is hitting more and more, and the situation for the most vulnerable is particularly difficult. That is why it feels fantastic to start working with Stockholm Stadsmission. Their work in creating a more humane society is so important. As a partner company, we mainly contribute to Stockholms Stadsmission being able to continue to develop its business with Bobyrån, but our hope is that we, as Sweden's largest housing portal, will be able to assist with both knowledge and commitment so that more people will have a home" says Cecilia Beck-Friid, CEO of Hemnet.